Why Are My Car's Brakes Squealing with New Brakes?

Getting routine repairs made sounds boring, but replacing the old brake pads is something you cannot skip, especially if your brakes have been giving you a few problems for a while. Replacing faulty components can be the most satisfying experience of owning an automobile. Still, sometimes it cannot end well for automobile users who hear an unwelcome squeal from the new brakes. Therefore, if you wonder 'why are my brakes squealing with new brakes,' you need to know the causes and the methods for dealing with them.

What are the main reasons for the new brakes squealing?

There are different reasons why your breaks are squealing. It is worth mentioning that all the other methods require self-inspection, and therefore, you need to get the brakes examined by an expert to avoid having any serious issues.

  • Worn out brake pads

If you have new brakes, you may not have this issue, but the worn-out brake pads can indeed contribute to the poor performance of the brakes, resulting in a squealing sound. When the brake pads get damaged or worn out, they rub against the rotor. When this happens, you may hear a sharp and distracting squealing sound.

  • Wet rotors

Wet rotors can be one of the primary reasons for the squealing of new brakes. Here, the primary and most likely culprit is moisture because it can cause rust formation on the brake rotors. These rust particles lodge into the brake pads, and when the rotors are used, this rust falls off piece by piece, thus emitting a squealing noise and inhibiting the smooth performance of the brakes.

  • Brake pads with low-quality

When you opt for the cheaper and more affordable brake pads, they tend to do more harm than doing good for the vehicle. If you are confused regarding ‘why are my brakes squealing with new brakes?’ you need to keep in mind that not only the low-quality brake pads can be uncomfortable to press down, but they also cause the squealing noise.

  • Metal fibers

If you are entirely familiar with automobile components, you must know that many brake pads have metal fibers. Either because of the pad's design or the manufacturing defect, the metal fibers on the pads might be placed close to each other. This can be the main reason for causing the squealing noise when the new brakes are pressed.

  • Hard stops

Many people think that hard stops can be the right solution to get rid of squealing because of the worn-out brake pads, but they can be pretty problematic for other people. Hard stopping can give a glossy finish to the pads, making a loud squealing noise every time you use the brakes.

  • Lubrication

Lack of lubrication is among the most common mobile-related issues. It would be helpful for you to keep in mind that the lubrication issue about the squealing new brakes applies to those vehicles that tend to operate with the drum braking system. The piston forces the shoes close to the drums, and inadequate lubrication lead to brakes causing friction.

  • The caliper pin issue

Caliper pins are used for releasing and applying the brake pads. Therefore, even if one of the pins gets stuck in a position that is meant to apply the brakes, these brakes tend to be applied to the rotor at an angle that might be unnatural. 

Final Thoughts

If you wonder ‘why my brakes are squealing with new brakes,' then replacing the brake pads might be the best solution for you. However, if it is not the best solution, you should never waste money. If there is too much squealing sound, you need to consider other options. Most of these options are free, while you need to spend a small amount on others.