Why Does My Car Make A Grinding Noise When Accelerating?

When you own a car, you need to be ready for the problems that come with it. For example, if your vehicle is making a grinding noise when you press acceleration, it means it has a few things that could be wrong. 

There could be a transmission issue, the issue with your differential, maybe your wheel bearings are flat, or your CV joints could be damaged, or it could be that engine is not functioning correctly. So, if you have a relevant issue with your car, let’s find out what could be wrong and how to fix it. 

Transmission Issue 

If your car is making a grinding sound coming from the transmission, it is a call you should not ignore. Because it is not an alarm to what is to come, it means your car has already gotten damaged. It happens when your gearing system is worn out, and your transmission system is not functioning correctly. Your transmission system can work under immense pressure, and if it is not working correctly, it means that it has reached its end limit, and you need to fix it. Otherwise, it will start creating a domino effect, and your life could be in danger. 


The first recommended thing is that you take your car to a professional. The transmission system is complex, and not everybody can master the art of fixing it. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a professional. 

Differential Issue 

The differential or diff could be making your wheel not move simultaneously at the same speed. Therefore, you are hearing the grinding noise. The wheels have to move at the same time. Otherwise, your car cannot move the way it does and at such efficiency. That is why if you think that the wheels are not moving at the same speed, then it could be a problem with your differential. 

The differential is responsible for absorbing the power drive from the engine, which directs all the wheels. So anything wrong with the differential can produce a grinding or unusual sound because your wheels are not moving in sync. 


If you hear the grinding sound, it means it needs a replacement. It also means you are too late for the repair. Replacement is the easiest way to make the sound go away. Change the differential fluid to lubricate the engine, which might help with your problem. But also, consult a professional if it does not stop making the noise. 

Wheel Bearing issue 

The wheel bearing is an apparatus that connects the wheel to the axles, and it is how your wheels are assembled. It is a metal ring with steel balls attached to it, and they help minimize the effect of friction. 


The best solution would be to replace your worn-out wheel bearing. It is not a complicated process if you have the right gear. It is also very cost-efficient. Otherwise, you might have to pay hundreds of dollars on something simple like changing your wheel bearing. 

CV Joints Issues 

CV joints connect the transmission to the wheel, and it means it produces a high amount of torque which helps move your car around the corners and fix the drivetrain. If your vehicle is making grinding sounds on applying acceleration, it means your CV joints are failing. 


Some workshops provide this facility, but you can also do it yourself with a little bit of knowledge. Replace the joints and avoid any accidents that could put you in harm.

Final Words

Resolving the issues mentioned above will get you on track if your car makes grinding noises.